AINDA’s governing bodies are made up of world-class independent members, that contribute to an in-depth objective analysis and decision making on potential investments, as well as an effective asset management process.
At AINDA we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, ethics, social responsibility, and respect for the environment by signing the Code of Conduct and Ethics which was developed together with UNPRI and must be ratified every six months by all directors, officers, and employees.
At AINDA we are committed to implementing and supporting responsible investment principles and processes aligned with the highest international standards, which is why we have a Responsible Investment Policy developed based on our Materiality Study.
The Responsible Investment Policy was approved by our Board of Directors and serves to establish the general guidelines for the incorporation of ESG criteria in the Investment Process, from opportunity generation to exiting investments.
As part of our Responsible Investment Policy, AINDA is communicating our commitment to Net Zero. The Net Zero Policy is approved by our CEO.
The objective of this policy is to contribute to a just transition through responsible investments in energy and infrastructure in Latinamerica.
AINDA recognizes that the growth of the company is only possible in a diverse environment that allows for the realization of its potential through talent recognition and development. It also recognizes the importance of fostering a culture of creativity and innovation, which results from the interaction of different experiences and perspectives.
AINDA has a Selection Contracting and Payment to Suppliers Policy which was approved by its Board of Directors and its compliance is monitored through the Legal and Compliance Department and the Audit Committee.
The Selection, Contracting and Payment to Suppliers Policy endorses AINDA’s commitment as a firm to carry out the selection, contracting, and payment to suppliers in a transparent and fair way, in compliance with applicable laws, in a professional and ethical manner, and aligned with our philosophy and principles, which are framed in our Code of Conduct and Ethics and consider best ESG practices and processes.
AINDA has a Information Security and Privacy Policy which was approved by the Board of Directors and its compliance is monitored through the Systems Management Department and the Administration and Finance Department.
The policy keeps AINDA's corporate information secure, allowing the employee to have availability, integrity, and privacy in any technological assets. The policy prevents, identifies, and eliminates threats, in a timely manner, that could compromise AINDA's network.
AINDA is committed to promoting a favorable organizational environment in its workplace through the development and implementation of a policy developed in accordance with applicable legislation and better international standards.
AINDA has an Anti-Corruption, Prevention of Money Laundering and Prevention of Financing of Terrorism Policy which was approved by the General Directorate and its compliance is monitored through the Finance Directorate, with support from the Legal and Compliance Directorate.
The Anti-Corruption, Prevention of Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing Policy aims to:
AINDA and the group of companies of which Ainda is the dominant company, are committed to the recognition, respect, implementation, promotion and effective application of Human Rights. We recognize that our actions have a significant impact on the world around us, and we are committed to conducting our operations in an ethical and responsible manner.
By virtue of our responsibility as a company committed to social and environmental responsibility based on sound corporate governance (ESG), we establish this Proxy Voting Policy to guide our decisions and actions in relation to the granting of voting mandates. This policy is based on the current regulations of the Civil Code for Mexico City, specifically articles 2555, 2556 and 2557, and is aligned with international best practices and ESG standards.
The Materiality Assessment helped to prioritize ESG aspects consistent with the social and economic context of the company and the relationship with its stakeholders. This assessment was conducted by a third party based on GRI, SASB, World Bank, PRI.
The objective of the Principles for Responsible Investment is the long-term sustainability and stability of investments. AINDA is a pioneer in Mexico by being its first signatory back in January 2016, since then, AINDA has promoted and applied the Six Principles.
Starting in 2020, AINDA participates in the evaluation of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance practices carried out by GRESB, a world leader in information analysis and generation ofbenchmarksESG for real assets. GRESB has assets under evaluation for $4.5 Tn USD. Since 2021, AINDA has obtained the highest grade assigned in the evaluation carried out at GP level.
In 2021 and 2022, AINDA participated in the Responsible Investment Study conducted by GOVERNART, which seeks to evaluate institutional investors in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Spain in the implementation of responsible investment practices. AINDA obtained the following recognitions:
Año con año, AINDA es reconocida por organismos nacionales e internacionales por su capacidad de combinar excelencia operativa con un fuerte compromiso ambiental, social y de gobernanza, demostrando su impacto positivo en el sector.
Strategy & Governance
Strategy & Governance
Strategy & Governance
Direct – Infrastructure
Direct – Infrastructure
Investment & Stewardship Policy
Direct – Infrastructure
Policy Governance and
Confidence building
CAS selected as Sector Leader in the Infrastructure Assessment
Neology becomes the first Infra-Tech asset to be evaluated at a global level
“Americas Boutique Investment Manager of the Year”
Environmental Finance
“Best Latin American Energy & Infrastructure Investment Firm”
Wealth and Finance
Perfect score
5/5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Direct – Infrastructure
Policy Governance and
Confidence building
“Best Latin American Energy & Infrastructure Investment Firm” y “LATAM ESG Integration Experts of the Year”
by Wealth and Finance
Wealth and Finance
CAS selected as Sector Leader in the Infrastructure Assessment
Hokchi becomes the first oil asset evaluated under GRESB, with a score of 95/100
1st place
Funds in Mexico
2nd place
Leading Responsible Investment Institution in Mexico
With the objective of identifying and implementing actions that trigger an increase in the profitability of the projects in the long term, AINDA's investment process and strategy includes active participation in the management and governing bodies of the invested assets.
In this regard, at AINDA, we have participated, together with our partners in the projects, in the incorporation of ESG topics that allow for adequate risk management, as well as an increase in positive impact of the projects on the environment and society.
In 2023, AINDA Energía & Infraestructura (AINDA), received the letter A from the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) in its ticker symbol (AINDACK18A) to be recognized as the first Private Equity fund in Latin America listed on a ESG-labeled securities. The new standard established by the BMV, and endorsed by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), for listed Funds (CKDs and CERPIs) seeks to recognize and encourage more Funds to adhere to international standards of social and environmental responsibility based on strong corporate governance (ESG).
With the objective of identifying and implementing actions that trigger an increase in the profitability of the projects in the long term, AINDA's investment process and strategy includes active participation in the management and governing bodies of the invested assets.
In this regard, at AINDA, we have participated, together with our partners in the projects, in the incorporation of ESG topics that allow for adequate risk management, as well as an increase in positive impact of the projects on the environment and society.
AINDA constantly seeks to participate in initiatives, with financial or human capital support, that it considers to be aligned with its principles and that produce a positive impact on society or the environment.
AINDA joined the Museum of Natural History and Environmental Culture renovation project in Mexico City, with the participation of Manuel Rodriguez Arregui. The project seeks to create a renovated space that includes promoting the following:
Supporting the Natural History Museum makes companies representatives of the ESG agenda.
Award academic scholarships to outstanding and talented female students.
Achieve equal participation of women leaders at ITAM.
Offer leadership programs to students so they can acquire and develop skills for a successful career.
Manuel Rodríguez, AINDA's CEO, was appointed to the Infrastructure Standards Committee at UNPRI for a 2-year term beginning in 2022 (see more).
Manuel Rodríguez, AINDA's CEO, was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Infrastructure Standards Committee at GRESB for a 2-year term beginning in 2022 (see more).
AINDA plays an active role in the GRI Club, a networking platform with over 11,300 C-level executives in more than 100 countries, through continuous participation in events, forums, panels, among others.
Manuel Rodríguez, AINDA's CEO , was invited to represent the Green Finance Advisory Council (CCFV) in the Sustainable Finance Committee, which is part of the Financial System Stability Council. Its function is to recommend and coordinate policies, actions, or measures to promote financial stability. In addition, the Committee seeks to promote the transition to sustainable financing and the adoption of international best practices that contribute to the stability of the financial system.
Manuel Rodriguez, AINDA's CEO, was invited to participate in Amexcap's Infrastructure and Energy Committee. This committee seeks to promote the asset class among institutional investors, regulators, and the general public through the development of documents, webinars, working groups, among others.
Beginning in 2021, AINDA declared its support for the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, by its Spanish acronym), joining over 2,000 organizations in demonstrating their commitment to building a more resilient financial system and protecting against climate risk through disclosure.
AINDA, with the recommendations from CCADI and Transforma, developed a roadmap to implement the TCFD recommendations, which allowed them to initiate the analysis of climate change risks and opportunities in all of its assets.
AINDA is the first CKD to become a member of the Green Finance Advisory Council (CCFV by its Spanish acronym), which aims to promote sustainable finance as a transformational driver for the transition to a greener and more inclusive economy. AINDA leads working group 4 "Sustainable Finance" and is part of group 2 "Public Policy".
Our model allows employees to purchase GP shares and access carried interest and dividends to align incentives and retain long-term talent.
With the goal of reinforcing the professional development of the team, AINDA carried out an independent diagnosis of leadership skills for each employee carried out by a leading global firm.
Each employee is assigned a mentor whose objective is to support the employee with his or her professional development at the firm.
With the support of the mentor, AINDA employees draw up an individual development plan that contains their professional objectives and growth expectations in the medium and long term.
Each AINDA member is evaluated annually with a 360° methodology, designed internally, and reinforced by a specialized global firm, which serves as the basis for setting variable compensation and promotions. The methodology is based on a weighted system which incorporates: (i) Capital raising and opportunity generation, (ii) Revenue generation (case by case), (iii) Management of invested assets and (iv) Leadership, assigned functions and contributions to the firm. In the latter two, all employees are evaluated on the incorporation of ESG aspects at the project and GP level.
Through the annual publication of the Sustainability Progress Report and in the spirit of adhering to best practices of transparency, AINDA discloses to the public, and particularly to its stakeholders, the initiatives, activities, results, and objectives related to the incorporation of ESG topics in the investment process and in the company’s operations.
At AINDA we bring together the experience and knowledge necessary to ensure the success of private equity investments in energy and infrastructure.
Calle Montes Urales 770 – Piso 1.
Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, CDMX, CP 11000.
Previous Positions
Previous Positions
Previous Positions
President of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation and the European Foundation for the Information Society
Previous Positions
President of the European Parliament
Spain’s Minister of Transportation, Tourism and Communications
Councilor on Madrid’s City Council
Orden del Águila Azteca, Venera rank
Doctorate in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Graduate in Economics, Law and Business Administration from ICADE and ESSEC
Previous Positions
Previous Positions
Posiciones anteriores.
Previous Positions
Previous Positions
Previous Positions
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui is a partner and General Director of Ainda, Energía & Infraestructura, a leading company in Latin America specializing in the management of private equity funds that invest in infrastructure and energy projects with partners of recognized prestige.
In Fund I ($319 million dollars), that was listed as CKD on the Mexican Stock Exchange, AINDA carried out investments in three strategic toll roads, one oil and gas exploration and production project, three renewable energy projects, as well as two investments that will revolutionize the operation of highways through efficient electronic toll collection, simultaneously allowing better urban mobility and compliance with the legal framework associated with vehicles in Latin America. Currently, AINDA is raising its Fund II with a robust pipeline in transportation projects, renewable energy, water systems, as well as midstream and upstream projects that are necessary in the energy transition.
AINDA has been highlighted as a leader in responsible investment by winning the ALAS20 award as the investor that best adheres to ESG factors in Hispanic America. The recognition of ALAS20 has been consistent with the evaluations received from Principles for Responsible Investment (5/5 stars in the Infrastructure module and 4/5 in the Investment & Stewardship module) and GRESB (97/100, which implies first place in America between the diversified funds of Infrastructure and Energy).
Prior to the founding of AINDA, Manuel was General Director of GBM Infrastructure, a private equity fund ($270 million dollars), where he led the purchase of the Cancun water system and turned it into a national example due to its levels of service and environmental responsibility. Additionally, alongside Goldman Sachs, OPIC and Nadbank, he led the construction of Tres Mesas I and II, two of the largest wind farms in Mexico.
In the public sector, Manuel collaborated in the Federal Government highlighting his appointments as Undersecretary of Transportation and Senior Official of the Ministry of the Interior. Among the most important projects that he directed in the public sector were, Terminal 2 of the Mexico City airport, the Suburban Train, the project to safeguard the General Archive of the Nation, the restructuring and implementation of the Cédula de Identidad project, the creation of the Ministry of the Environment and the transformation of agricultural subsidies to make them consistent with NAFTA.
In the private initiative, he served as Managing Director at Oliver Wyman (Mercer Management Consulting) where he advised the Mexican government on the commercialization of liquefied natural gas in the Pacific region, on the drilling strategy and optimization of the Pemex fleet, the privatization of airports, the modernization and distribution of systems focused on providing support to the population that is in a situation of poverty and the creation of regional water systems.
Manuel graduated from MIT's Department of Economics in 1989, where he was twice awarded the William L. Stewart Jr. Award and earned an MPA from Harvard University in 1993. He has taught Economics and Finance at ITAM and at Universidad Iberoamericana. Manuel is currently vice president of the Board of Trustees of the Natural History Museum and chairs the Capital Mobility Committee of the Mexican Council for Sustainable Finance.
– Global Director of Business Development at Grupo Proeza
Previous Positions
– Director of strategy and business development at Metalsa
– Supply Chain Director at Metalsa
– Project development executive at Grupo Proeza
– Bachelor of Science and Engineering at Stanford
– Master in Business Administration at London Business School
Oscar is a founding partner and Key Officer at AINDA. He is a Civil Engineer from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and holds a Master of Science in Transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He held various positions in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SCT, by its Spanish acronym), and eventually became the Undersecretary of Infrastructure. At the SCT, he directed and participated in multiple studies that guided national transportation policy. He contributed to the formation of the Mexican Institute of Transportation and the creation of the institutional capacity to monitor federally concessioned highways. Oscar led the SCT team that designed and implemented the repurchase of 23 toll road concessions and their subsequent public-sector operation. He coordinated the design of toll road concession schemes, service provision projects, and the use of assets to incorporate private participation in Mexico's highway development. Under his leadership, 13 concession projects and 7 service provision projects were completed or are in different stages of execution. Throughout his career, he represented the SCT in international road forums, such as the OECD, World Road Association, and Mexico-United States binational forums.
Oscar has been a technical advisor to the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group), the Tamaulipas and Guanajuato state governments, Fitch Ratings, and the Ministry of Communications and Transportation. Additionally, he has served as a professor at several Engineering Schools and is an academic member of the Academia Mexicana de Ingeniería. He was also a chair of the World Road Association from 2013-2016. Oscar was also a member of the Board of Governors at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from 2013-2022 and served on the Ethics Council at the Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de México from 2014 to 2021.
Oscar was distinguished as a Level 1 National Researcher from the National System of Researchers from 1991-94. Additionally, Oscar was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Pan-American Highway Institute, founder and co-chairman of the Mexico - United States Joint Working Committee on Border Transportation, representative of Mexico to the Road Transport Research Program of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Honorary Member of the Mexican Association of Road Engineering, A.C., International Medal of Merit from the Spanish Road Association, and President of the Council of Road Directors of Iberia and Iberoamérica.
Gabriel is a founding partner of AINDA and was appointed as a Key Officer and serves as Chief Investment Officer. Additionally, he is a member of the Investment and Audit Committees and a Board member at Jaguar Solar Holdings. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from ITAM, a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and several diplomas in energy and finance.
Throughout his career, he has participated in different roles within the public and private sectors. Prior to founding AINDA, he held several executive positions for a decade at General Electric, where he served as Executive Director of GE Oil & Gas and was responsible for leading the commercial strategy of 5 business units and their relationship with Pemex. At GE he helped design integrated solutions for several assets and plants, including: Ayatsil-Tekel, Lakach, Ku-Maloob-Zaap, Abkatún, Tula, Madero, Cadereyta, and Nuevo Pemex. He also developed the growth strategy with the first private clients following the Energy Reform. Gabriel was also Corporate Director of Business Development, where he worked with more than a dozen business units to design long-term growth strategies and commercial coordination of integrated solutions for GE's largest customers. Finally, in his position in Monterrey he was Director of Investments for GE Capital Real Estate, where he led acquisition and developed partnerships with industrial parks throughout the country. Notably, this included the development of Mexico's main aeronautical park in Queretaro, which consistently achieved double-digit dollar returns for the business.
Prior to joining General Electric, he was a Principal at Oliver Wyman (formerly Mercer Management Consulting), an international strategy consulting firm, where he participated in optimizing operational and strategy design projects for public and private companies in the oil, gas, aviation, and logistics sectors, based in Mexico and abroad. He was also an investment banking associate for Chase Manhattan Bank, where he participated in the placement of debt for one of Mexico’s largest conglomerates. He began his professional career at the CNBV, where he was an analyst for both supervising banking and the stock market and he advised to the President’s office during the restructuring of the banking sector after the 1994 financial crisis.
He was a member of the Advisory Board and the Corporate Executive Committee of General Electric Mexico, as well as being on the Executive Committee of GE O&G for Latin America. He is currently a mentor for business accelerator programs, including the Sustainable Minds Network and New Ventures, as well as a member of the Advisory Board of the Mexico Energy Council.
José is a partner at AINDA and a member of the Investment Committee and the Nominations and Compensations Committee. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Administration and a Diploma in International Strategic Scenarios from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). He also has an MBA from the University of Rochester and a Master's Degree in Energy Business from the University of Tulsa. José has also taken several international courses on oil business models from the CWC School of Energy.
José worked at Mercer Management Consulting’s energy and operations practice. He became a principal at Mercer and led and participated in several oil, electricity, water, airport, and port projects, where he conducted strategic, financial, economic, operational, and organizational analysis. In 2006, he founded AINDA Consultores, S.A. de C.V., a company specialized in energy business consulting with an E&P focus.
During his career, José has been an advisor to Pemex Exploration and Production, the Ministry of Energy, the CFE, the National Hydrocarbons Commission, and private national and international oil companies. He was one of the experts in charge of managing the analysis of Mexico's energy reform. Under his leadership, the first business model was designed to produce liquefied natural gas in deep waters in Mexico. He led the design of the new E&P contracting strategy for drilling and completion of wells for the Tsimin-Xux and Ayatsil-Tekel projects, as well as identifying and supporting the implementation of PEMEX structural transformation projects. He also developed the business cases for the Shale and Chicontepec Integrated Field Laboratories and participated in the definition of the core aspects for the promotion and development of domestic content in the service industry of the hydrocarbon sector. José contributed to the definition of the new incentivized services contractual models for Pemex Exploration and Production. He also oversaw the development of four regulations for the operation of wells in Mexico. In addition, José has advised several companies in the bidding or purchase of oil and gas fields in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.
In the electricity sector, José advised one of the main electricity companies in Latin America on the reference terms for bidding on a supply and regasification of liquefied natural gas contract.
José prepared a financial, operational, and administrative analysis report that resulted in defining strategic actions to turn around the performance of one of the largest water, sewage, and drainage operators in Mexico. He also conducted an analysis for the merger of eight municipal water utilities.
Regarding air transport infrastructure, José analyzed air traffic and operations in Mexico City to identify potential saturation points and analyzed the potential impact of the construction of Mexico City’s new airport.
He was a founding member of the non-profit organization Mexico-Actúa, which was the first action tank in the country focused on analyzing the link between water, energy, and food to improve Mexicans’ standard of living. He was a professor of Corporate Finance at ITAM, as well as the founder and co-coordinator of ITAM's executive energy investment program, and author of specialized articles on energy that have been published in several specialized magazines.
-CEO of Ennea
Previous charges
-Mergers and Acquisitions at FEMSA
- Partner at Alfaro, Dávila & Ríos (Lazard)
-Bachelor in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey
-MBA at the University of Chicago (Booth)
Juan Carlos is the Executive Co-President of AINDA Energy & Infrastructure. He is a founding partner of EConcept AEI and independent board member of CREDICORP and Seguros SURA. Juan is also known for being one of the most distinguished economists and designers of public policy in Colombia and Latin America. Between 2010 and 2012, he was Colombia’s Minister of Finance and Public Credit, and in 2011 was named the Best Finance Minister of the Americas by four international publications. He served as Director of the National Planning Department and Dean of the Economics School at the Universidad de los Andes. He was President of the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol, and during his mandate the company increased the market capitalization by over 2.5x. Juan held key positions in both the Banco de la Republica and the National Government, where he crafted policy and legislative initiatives that led Colombia's recent investment history. He designed tax reforms, the Fiscal Law, and three constitutional reforms related to money transfers, fiscal sustainability, and the General System of Royalties. His education includes a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University and a Degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes.
Ángela María Orozco is the director of the Colombia office of Ainda, Energía & Infraestructura. She holds a Ph.D. in Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, a master's degree in international law and legal studies, as well as a postgraduate degree in economic law. She is a senior advisor at KREAB Colombia, a member of the board of directors of Collective Mining, and a member of the board of Transportadora de Gas Internacional S.A.
Between 1998 and 2000, she served as Minister and Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of Colombia under President Andres Pastrana. During the last two years of this period, she was the president of Proexport. In this role, she was responsible for implementing the performance evaluation system for the organization, particularly for Colombia's commercial officers overseas. In 2013, she became a partner at Vali Consultores S.A.S, focusing on government issues and political context analysis until 2018.
As the Minister of Transport in Colombia under the presidency of Iván Duque Márquez between 2018 and 2022, she managed to realize a total of 50 Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, 29 of which were new. Similarly, between 2018 and 2022, she was able to quadruple the number of electric vehicles registered with RUNT between 2010 and 2018.
Previous Positions
– BU Citrus Coordinator
Previous Positions
– Supply Chain Director at Citrofrut
– Director of Corporate Development at Grupo Proeza
– Consulting Associate at Booz & Company
– Ingeniero Químico del ITESM
– Master en Business Administration en Yale